Thursday, September 9, 2010

I have come to the realization that I hate money. It is the root of all evil. It is a noose around my neck getting tighter and tighter. I had to pay $2400 to get just my breaks fixed on my car. My car isn't even that old, its a 2002! I was suppose to get my tattoo last week.. Damn car. I am down to $100, if that. And I have a $106 electric bill, a $45 internet bill, and since my savings account was all spent on my car I now have to pay for gas out of pocket.

Why do people who have a couple thousand dollars in their bank accounts find it necessary to call themselves poor? Or even people who have a couple hundred. You are not poor. If there was really something that you needed to buy, you could do it.
I guess I'm still better off than some people are. I have a roof over my head still.
I need to wash my hair for the 2nd time today. I tried to finger-wave my hair and failed miserably. Now I have so much gel in my hair it won't even straighten. It feels like I cracked a egg on my head. Oh yea, and dreads have been gone.

I think our air conditioning is broken too.
Isn't life wonderful? I think a big thanks should be sent to the big man in the sky.

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