A few weeks ago a friend had a party and after everyone was pretty liquored up except me, the topic of religion came up. Before I go into anymore detail, here is a little math equation for you to work out.
Alcohol + religion convo + a Wiccan + a Christian = good conversation + Satanists = bad conversation
One of my best friends is a Wiccan and I love her to death. I'm a Christian. Surprisingly our beliefs aren't too far from each other. We were having a great conversation about how it baffles us that some people don't believe in anything at all and have no faith that there is more after we die. How can you look at the beautiful sky and not think something is out there. How can you look at the incredible complexity that is the human race and believe it just happened randomly. It's such a depressing thought to think that we are just born, live, then die and rot into the Earth.
Yes, I believe in God, but I also believe in science and evolution. I believe that God created it. Why couldn't God who has proved to do insanely radical impossible things also be the master mind behind evolution. Evolution does happen, you can't ignore scientific fact. Just like you can't ignore supernatural experiences that you've encountered with a higher power. Those same experiences are also things that others won't truly understand until they go through something similar or exact themselves. An unfortunate but also complicatedly nice fact about those things.
First of all, you can't call yourself an atheist and a satanist at the same time. Being an atheist means that you don't believe anything is out there, the absence of God. Being a satanist recognizes that there is a God and there is Satan. You can't have one without the other. The two religious outlooks are complete opposites. If you recognize that there is Satan, an entity from the Christian religion, than you acknowledge that there is a God.
I believe that there is a religion out there for everyone. If you sincerely in the pit of your gut feel that (insert various religion here) is the religion for you, then good for you. I also believe that at one point or another in everyone's life they will eventually feel a connection to God, whether they ignore it or not. I tried for many years, exploring other religions, to fill the void that I finally filled with God. No matter how awesome a religion sounded or how many beliefs I had in common with it, there was always something missing, and I don't feel that way with God. I would love for people to find God like I did and certainly want people the have the life changing experiences I did and continue to have, but that doesn't mean I am going to push my religion onto anyone.
I really enjoy talking to other people about religion, especially if they believe in a different religion than me because I like learning about people's beliefs and why they have them, but the second that someone gets rude I can't help but feel my skin boil. I just don't understand why some people feel the need to be so rude when talking to other people who have a different religious belief as someone else. No two humans, no two living beings are exactly the same. Like snowflakes. So naturally no two humans are going to agree 100% on anything, especially religion. So why get so rude about it? I guess to most people religion and the ability to behave like a two year old arguing over who's toy is really who's go hand in hand. Why can't we all just have respect and love for each other? I guess deep down there is more hippie in me than I thought.
**To clear the air and cover myself, I want to point out that I'm in no way calling anyone a two year old that was involved in the debate, the who conversation just got me thinking about this topic.
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