I have had the urge all day today to just throw out almost all of my makeup, my straightener, my blow dryer, my curling iron, and all of the other crap that helps me alter how I look naturally. All the stuff that helps me hide behind who I really am. The past month I haven't straightened my hair except for my fringe and I have barely worn any makeup. I tried two times in the past week to wear the layers of makeup that I use to wear daily and by the end of the day I felt completely disgusting inside and out and couldn't wait to take a shower. It felt like I had clay all over my face, or wax or something. I also didn't feel like I looked as good at first once I saw myself with the "mask" on. I feel like that's all it is. A mask. And don't get me wrong, its nice to play dress up every once in awhile, but for the most part I can't stand altering myself so much like I use to.
I really want to start taking an active roll in only putting natural things on and in my body. Eating healthy and being active aren't the only important aspects of being 100% healthy overall, I have slowly been realizing.
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